Minister: Rev Sue Baker-Maher 01480 473444. Mobile 07483 153948
Usually traditional style of worship on Sundays (10:30 am) followed by refreshments
Second and Fourth Tuesday of the month – Bible and Prayer Group (10:30am)
First Friday of the month – Coffee Morning (10:00am)
Third Friday of the month – Soup and Sweet Lunch (12:00 midday)
The Chapel was opened in July 1876 and the schoolroom was added in 1911.
A warm welcome awaits you at Buckden when you come to any of our services – it has been commented on many times by our visitors.
The schoolroom and Wesley room are hired out to local organisations or private individuals in Buckden. We have access for disabled people, toilets include one adapted for use by disabled people. We also have a well equipped kitchen.
At Buckden we are not here just for church members but also for the wider community and their families. We are a really happy that we have close links to all the other Churches in Buckden and we are committed members of Buckden and District Churches Together.